Monday, February 2, 2009

Church Planting: Moving from Policy to Practice

This post will make public the email discussion kicked off by Peter's suggestion to form a church planting working group.

Feel free to add your comment as a comment or email it in.

Peter started by saying:

Can you put this on the agenda for the RBA AGM?

Notice of motion for 2009 RBA AGM
Regarding the church planting initiative presented at the 2008 Wagga
convention: if something more specific is adopted than the motion accepted at that convention, more is likely to happen.

Therefore I move that a church planting working group be established, to be advised by the Union, who shall also be asked to supply representatives. The group shall:

* Identify suitable towns within our Association for evangelism & church planting.
* Find workers & encourage them to move to these towns.
* Establish a small "cell" of support people, who will move there with the workers if they are not already local.
* Establish a board of reference, either one for them all the cells or else one per cell.
* Source adequate funds before the cell is set up, either directly or by finding local employment for cell members.

The search for workers & their support cells shall be conducted first in the town concerned, then in Riverina churches [for maximum local credibility, & so the RBA is more likely to "own" the venture], then in other rural towns, then wider still if necessary.

I asked for feedback from the executive, particularly on whether we like the idea in it's current form.

Here are some responses

Kevin replied:

I agree that unless something concrete is done, nothing will happen and unless resources are found, nothing will happen. We have to get our head around the things Pete is saying. I don't know who is going to do it but we are in agreement that something should be done. Pete Davies needs to be a part of this when he comes we need to have a side bar meeting with him about this.

Andrew Adds:

The concept is good, it certainly means the rubber hitting the road.
I think there is something misleading in the first line, do we advise the Union or get advice from them?
Certainly anyone can bring a motion to the meeting. It is strong but what happens if there are aspects that cannot be met? Is there flexibility to run with resources that are available rather than be hampered by being able to fully meet one requirement.

Just thoughts

Steven also adds:

* Identify suitable towns within our Association for evangelism & church planting.
Then they could possibly be called to;
Investigate & identify the most appropriate ways for that evangelism, and/or church plant to take place at each of the towns identified.

Peter Quinns points can be looked at & adapted to suit the group.
Depending on it's makeup, the group will bring their own ideas as well.
We need to use any resources the Union has available, but still be self controlling as a regional body.
The working group could then report their findings to the executive who could then decide to implement or not.

Thanks for the work that has already been done, good to see something happening!

Any further comments are most welcome

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A New Baptist Fellowship Near You?

Which town needs a small group gathered around the Bible with the help of nearby Baptists?

This post has further information and a place for you to make a suggestion.